The VIPicture module links images indicated with the VIP-logo to operative videos of surgical techniques. The App can be downloaded for free.
To use the Video-In-Picture (VIP) feature, open the VIPicture appliation on your smart device. Subsequently allow your phone to access your camera.
This will activate the camera within the application and illustrations containing the VIP-logo will be recognized and linked tot he appropriate video demonstration of the technique.
Manuscripts in which the VIPicture module is used are:
Total Mesorectal Excision Technique: Past, Present, Future. J. Knol, D. Keller Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery; 2018
A new paradigma dressing the boundaries of Live Surgical Education: Synchronized Deferred Live Surgery.
J. Knol, J. Bonjer, B. Houben, S. Wexner, R. Hompes, S. Atallah, RJ Heald, C. Sietses, S. Chadi. JACS; 2018