Trocar positioning

Mathieu D’Hondt
Mohammed Abu Hilal

When using a Gelpoint Path platform, first introduce three trocars into the Gelseal. When using an Airseal Insufflator, one of the trocars comes with this device and is preferebly introduced into the right upper corner of the gel. 

This trocar should be placed in the upper half of the gelseal because leakage of fluid into the insufflator must be avoided to prevent damaging the insufflator itself. The two other trocars are in most cases placed in the left upper corner and low in the middle.

Trocar positioning

The trocars should be placed as far from each other as possible to facilitate triangulation and allow use of standard laparoscopic instruments.

When puncturing the gelseal with the trocars counter pressure has to be given on the side of the cap to avoid tearing the gel from this plastic ring.

So when the cap is orientated to hook on the access channel at 6 o’clock and close at 12 o’clock the trocars are positioned in the gel at 2, 6 and 10 o’clock.

We prefer to have the fastener on the topside so that it’s easy to open and close during the case.

Videos Trocar positioning

Holdafbeeding video
Holdafbeeding video